And What Remains | Double Bill Season


May 26 - Jun 1


6:00 pm


Basement Theatre, Te Whaea - National Dance & Drama Centre


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Her family have departed. They have all departed. All of them. All Māori. She is the last and now she too waits to depart. Set in a potential future in Wellington's International Departure Lounge, a battle-weary Mary is confronted by Peter, bringing with him revelations of why her family have left their homeland.

A story which foreshadows the possibility of ethnic cleansing in New Zealand, and what remains by award-winning playwright Mīria George is a provocative interrogation of the erosion of Māori rights, dignity and humanity in a Pākehā-dominated Aotearoa, directed by the esteemed Regan Taylor.

Celebrating Aotearoa storymakers and showcasing the graduating students of 2023, Toi Whakaari is proud to present its Double Bill Season of and what remains by Mīria George, directed by Regan Taylor, and The Birthday Girl by Albert Belz, directed by Carrie Green.

Tickets | Concession $10 & General Admission $15 (please note there is an added online booking fee)

Content warnings: Strong language, racism, mention of sterilisation, loud noises.g.

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