Costume Showcase 2020


18-19 September


6:30 pm


Te Whaea Theatre


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Due to COVID-19 Level 2 seating restrictions our Costume Showcase is currently sold out. We will be releasing more seats Monday 14 September if we move to Level 1 or lower. To go on our wait list please contact our box office on

Costume Showcase 2020 brings magic to Wellington - join us for a sensational celebration of costumes, characters and creativity.

Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School’s graduating class of Costume Construction 2020 is set to bring magic to Wellington with Costume Showcase 2020.

Costume Showcase is a 30-minute visual delight, where a year’s work comes to life from the creative minds of students. Audiences can expect a trip to the circus, magic, harlequins, and inspiration from Greek and British mythology.

Shows are on two times per night, at 6:30pm and 8pm and the run time is 30mins.

Photo credit Phillip Merry.

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