Costume Showcase 2022


Sep 23 & 24


6:30 pm


Te Whaea Theatre, 11 Hutchison Road, Newtown, Wellington


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Costume Showcase 2022 brings fabric magic to Wellington on Friday 23rd & Saturday 24th of September.

Audiences will see the major works of the 10 graduating 2nd year Costumiers, ranging from historical portraiture to concept critters and circus haute-couture! The 1st year Costumiers also get their time to shine with some sunny 1950’s dresses from their pattern-making classes, and their 18th Century ensembles.

After presenting a digital version last year, we are excited to present this work to a live audience in our home - Te Whaea Theatre.

There are two showtimes of 6.30pm and 8pm each night, giving you four chances to catch this unique performance.

Book your tickets today!

Image: Costume Showcase 2021, CARNAN Costumier Karen Shaw and Model Luz-Eliana Folau-Brown - credit Stephen A’Court.

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