Fucking A by Suzan-Lori Parks


Oct 22-27


7:30 pm


Te Whaea Theatre, 11 Hutchison Rd, Newtown, Wellington


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What hand do we play in the making of monsters?

Toi Whakaari New Zealand Drama School is excited to present Fucking A, by Suzan-Lori Parks.

An otherworldly tale of a desperate mother's quest to free her beloved son from prison. In a town where women can be owned like chattels, and hungry children can be imprisoned for stealing a piece of meat, desperation and despair turns into rage and violence in the blink of an eye, and even the most wounded animal can become the most feared predator. In this wild-eyed blend of story and song, Suzan-Lori Parks' searing riff on Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter demands the audience to watch, to not look away, and to ask themselves the question: what hand do we play in the making of monsters?

This Graduation Production is the final major work by graduating students across Acting, Arts Management, Costume, Design and Set & Props. Directed by Keagan Carr Fransch.

A Tertiary Production of Fucking A by special arrangement with Samuel French Inc and The Play Bureau.

Dates/times of performances

Tuesday 22nd October, 7.30pm (opening night)

Wednesday 23rd October, 7.30pm

Thursday 24th October, 7.30pm

Friday 25th October, 7.30pm

Saturday 26th October, 7.30pm

Sunday 27th October, 2pm (matinee)

Ticket prices: $10 concession (students, seniors), $15 full price

Runtime: Approximately 2 hours (no interval)

Content Warnings: strong language, violence, blood, imitation weapons, imitation blood, brief depiction of sexual assault, discussions of abortion, brief suicidal ideation










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