

5-7 November


10:00 am


Te Whaea Theatre


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Fourteen of Aotearoa’s newest makers and designers manifest a series of works across their diverse practice for your viewing pleasure.  

Manifest is the annual showcase of the work from the Toi Whakaari graduating makers and designers for stage and screen. The Design and Set & Props Departments combine to celebrate the work of students who are set to graduate from the Bachelor of Design (Stage and Screen) and the NZ Diploma of Scenic Construction and Properties next month.

Those who attend Manifest will celebrate the skills, talents and hard work of the next generation of Aotearoa’s designers and makers.

Sylvie McCreanor, graduating designer and Manifest Co-Production Manager, is one of the 14 exhibitors who can not wait for people to see the manifestations of the graduating classes.

“Come celebrate the skills, talents and hard work of the next generation of designers and makers. There’s work of minute and intricate detail and work of loud and proud scale. There’s work you’ll be transfixed by, work to interact with, and a series of visually driven live performances”, she says.

For those wanting to see a real cabinet of curiosities, Francis Gallop, Head of Department for Set and Props says this is the showcase for you. “Each manifest has its own flavour. Our graduates have created a selection of beautifully crafted wonders: giant bug heads, mandrakes, hands that see, a book of the dead, a face of bone, the Tzar’s egg, stained glass, a living ape that was once just boxes and music from the Harmonic Tree. How can you resist?”

Senior Design Tutor, Brian King, says Manifest is an event to celebrate the arrival of these makers and designers at this point and to reflect on three years of individual creative development and intensive study. “This is an opportunity for those about to graduate from the Bachelor of Design (Stage and Screen) programme to present themselves and to showcase their diverse practices to industry professionals, future employers, peers and supporters”.

Manifest is a free event that is open to the public from 10am to 8pm on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 November, and from 9am to 12noon on Saturday 7 November at Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School, Te Whaea, 11 Hutchison Road, Newtown, Wellington.

Join the Facebook event.

10am - 8pm, Thursday 5 & Friday 6 November
9am-12pm, Saturday 7 November




5:15pm - NZ School of Dance in collaboration with Set & Props
5:30-8pm - Whimsical Fortunes and Observations
6:30-7:30pm - Harmonic Tree


5:30-6:30pm - Nicky and Ngaio Knit
6:30-8pm - DJ Ensai


4-5.30pm - DJ Sly
5.30-7pm - Waguan
7-8pm - Silver Noodle Soup

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