Solos 2021


26-31 October


6:00 pm


Te Whaea, 11 Hutchison Road, Newtown


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For over 30 years the Toi Whakaari Solos Season has developed the voices of emerging artists and entertained audiences with originality, fire and innovation. 

The 2021 Solos season will feature 21 brand new works, featuring 21 artistic mavericks standing in their power. 

A major component of the first year actor training programme, the Solos project provides a platform for students to create their own original live performance pieces, with total freedom over style, form and content. First year actors are encouraged to investigate artistic questions that they are passionate about, as well as working craft skills of body, voice and imagination. 

This year the Solos are facilitated by Acting tutor Anya Tate-Manning, graduate & Arts Laureate award winner Ahilan Karunaharan, and 2020 graduate Lahleina Feaunati. Acting students work in collaboration with design and management students, to create their own unique piece of live performance. Under the constraints of a $50 budget, and a 15minute performance time, magic will be born!

The Toi Whakaari Solos season has a long tradition of developing emerging artistic voices and delighting audiences. These solo works are often the seeds of larger artistic projects, with long lives. Major works born out of this project include Jacob Rajan's Krishnan's Dairy, and Chris Parker's No More Dancing in the Good Room.

Unfortunately there will be no public performances of Solos 2021 due to COVID alert level conditions.

Image: Solos 2020, Heaving Home... Upto? by Seiyan Thompson-Tonga. Credit Joanna Sunga.

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