SOLOS 2024


Oct 15-20


6:00 pm


Basement Theatre (Toi Whakaari), 11 Hutchison Rd, Newtown, Wellington


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Welcome to Toi Whakaari's Solos Season 2024!

22 solo pieces programmed in five groups, across six days, Solos Season 2024 is promised to be a wild ride of startling characters, innovative forms, outrageous comedy and sharp politics.

The Solos project has a long tradition at Toi Whakaari, allowing first-year Acting students the chance to experiment with performance and expand their creative voice, with total autonomy over body and storytelling.

From Oct 15-20 in our very own Basement Theatre, there are three chances to watch each of the five groups.

Group A

Solo performances by Ali'itasi Vae'au, Ocean Manutulila, George Long, Violet Patterson


Tuesday Oct 15 - 6pm
Thursday Oct 17 - 7.30pm
Sunday Oct 20 - 12.30pm

Group B

Solo performances by Justina-Rose Tua, William Thompson, Kyra Loomans, Steffany Silva De Lautour


Tuesday Oct 15 - 7.30pm
Friday Oct 18 - 6pm
Sunday Oct 20 - 2pm

Group C

Solo performances by Margot Coleman, Kris Girven, Te Okanga Huata-Wagner, Pānia Rolfe


Wednesday Oct 16 - 6pm
Friday Oct 18 - 7.30pm
Sunday Oct 20 - 3.30pm

Group D

Solo performances by Asher Bassett, Nadia Officer, Tama Porter, Tinorawe Hawkins, Zen Wilson-Travis


Wednesday Oct 16 - 7.30pm
Saturday Oct 19 - 6pm
Sunday Oct 20 - 6pm

Group E

Solo performances by Zoe Courtney, Logan Pocock, Sahil Goyal, Merrill Abapo, Tiare Savea


Thursday Oct 17 - 6pm
Saturday Oct 19 - 7.30pm
Sunday Oct 20 - 7.30pm

More about Solos Season:

Each actor creates a 15 minute performance, and the artists are encouraged to take risks and create their own inquiries inside a frame of embodied research. Acting and Production students work alongside each other to create original works and test new performance ideas. It is a project that encourages experimentation and self driven learning.










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