Women Beware Women


22- 31 October


7:00 pm


Te Whaea Theatre


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Destruction triumphs in Toi Whakaari end of year show

Playing the system means playing the game, in this world where the fresh and beautiful are hot commodities.

Toi Whakaari presents Women Beware Women by Thomas Middleton(1657), reconceived by Fiona Samuel (2020) and directed by 2015 NZ Arts Foundation Laureate, Sara Brodie.

Love is swiftly corrupted and the innocent schooled to survive.  A virgin is beguiled into her uncle’s bed, a wife is pawned, and her cuckolded husband is bribed to be a widow’s sugar boy.  She who controls their secrets manipulates the game. But the servants see all and the silenced will speak.  Deadly snares are set towards a Jacobean finale in which destruction plays her triumph.

“Fiona Samuel has created a sharp, lighting paced, and insightful new take on Thomas Middleton's play. It is an arch and transactional world, not that dissimilar from our own, thrown into stark relief and suitably Jacobean tragic extremes; a lesson in playing the system, much like a game of chess, and the inevitable collateral damage,” says Brodie.

Toi Whakaari, Tumuaki, Tanea Heke says a production of this scale provides an opportunity for all disciplines taught within the school to collaborate.

“The Term Four production is the chance for our students to showcase their skills to diverse audiences including industry, friends, whānau and the public demonstrating how far their training is taking them”, says Heke.

Women Beware Women is designed, created and managed by Toi Whakaari graduating Arts Management, Design, Set & Props and Costume students while our second year Actors take the stage.

There is nothing quite like ‘live’ theatre to bring to life a Jacobean tragedy with all its deadly snares in which destruction plays her triumph.

 Learn by me to know your foes!

By Thomas Middleton
Reconceived by Fiona Samuel
Directed by Sara Brodie

22 – 31 October, 7pm | Matinee Saturday 24 October, 1pm | no shows Sun/Mon
Te Whaea Theatre, 11 Hutchison Road, Newtown, Wellington
Tickets: $20/15 | Bookings: toiwhakaari.ac.nz

Publicity Image credit: Shanell Bielawa
Production Image credit: Philip Merry


We are on sale for Women Beware Women at current Covid-19 Level 1 restrictions. Should the levels change our season will change accordingly.

Level 2 – our audience size will change to 60 and our best effort will be made to reseat those who take our numbers over that capacity. If it is not possible to reseat, a full refund will be given.

Level 3 or 4 – our season will move online and a live link will be supplied. A full refund will be given.

Ngā mihi nui for your support of our students and their mahi.


Women Beware Women contains adult themes and content, including sexual coercion, rape and violence. These may be upsetting for some members of the audience. Please speak to the Front of House Team when booking if you have any further questions.

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